Overheard 10-9: "It’s hard to argue that St. Paul didn’t hate lustful butt sex."
Sick lacrosse player 1: Dude this song is sick who’s it by?
Sick lacrosse player 2: Hoobastank, bro.
Sick lacrosse player 1: Nice man, we should put this on the warm up, it’s getting me pumped up.
Sick lacrosse player 2: Yea I know. It makes me want to smash my head through a concrete wall.
— Mac’s
Annoyed girl: Get the fucking dick ring off the fucking printer.
— State St.
Frat guy: So what did you end up doing last night?
Obnoxious jock: I blacked out and woke up in Dickson.
— Central Campus
Confused Boy: I contacted my sponsor for that program, and get this: Her favorite TV show is Friends, and she was on the women’s soccer team. So we have a lot in common.
— Becker Dining Hall