ABOU-ALFA | Cornell Needs to Change How They Teach Mathematics

The ultimate goal of a Cornell education is to prime young adults for their introduction into actual society; as one of the foremost academic institutions in the nation, the University plays an essential role in giving each student sufficient perspective and knowledge to make them diverse and reasonable thinkers. Thus, it is every department and professor’s responsibility to pursue and promote this message, allowing the real depth of every subject to surface to the forefront of the education provided.

TIAS | Addressing Our Obsession with the U.S. News Rankings

This obsession with elite rankings and “upper Ivies, lower Ivies, HYP” in the college admissions community and beyond creates a dissonance with high school students and the general populace. This dissonance that college rankings create is often distasteful: it encourages crude competition, unethical means of entry (such as paying and cheating on the SAT) and perpetuates a class divide in higher education.

GUEST ROOM | The Student Body’s Hand

As a leader in Cornell’s Jewish community, one of the largest and most politically diverse communities on this campus, and as a representative of the student body in our shared governance system, both spaces where spirited debate defines day-to-day life, I have seen the beauty that often characterizes our disagreements.