SCHWARZ & SPARACIO | Free Speech on Campus?
We might conclude that free speech does not allow for hate speech whether from ignorance or malice, but is an evolving, fluid concept depending on good will and human decency.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
We might conclude that free speech does not allow for hate speech whether from ignorance or malice, but is an evolving, fluid concept depending on good will and human decency.
Is the Ivy league handing out too many A’s? Columnists Daniel R. Schwarz & Rebecca Sparacio discuss the nature of grade inflation at Cornell and academia at large.
Why has there been such a sharp decline in the study of literatures in English? Should we no longer teach Joyce, Woolf and the like?
To the editor:
Last week, Cullen O’Hara ’23 wrote a Letter to the Editor claiming that two Cornell Daily Sun journalists, in their article “Three Years Since COVID-19 Lockdown, Cornellians Reflect on Pandemic,” failed to fairly represent the beliefs of the Cornell population. I would like to argue against O’Hara’s claims and articulate a defense for these two journalists.
O’Hara argues that these two journalists intentionally shed a positive light on Cornell’s COVID-19 policies and failed to include opposing viewpoints. However, in accordance with journalistic standards, Eicher and Rubinson conducted interviews through random sampling. On a campus that is composed of a liberal majority these two writers penned an article that is representative of the beliefs of Cornell’s population — even if it is not the view that O’Hara aligns with. If Eicher and Rubinson had interviewed an individual with a viewpoint that criticized the University’s policy, they would have included that in the piece.
Since he assumed office on Jan. 3, Republican Congressman George Santos has been the subject of multiple investigations illuminating the extent to which he lied about his identity and fictionalized his entire resume throughout his campaign. He lied about having attended college, working at Goldman Sachs and about his finances. Amongst his more egregious lies are his claims that his mother died on 9/11, that his grandparents died in the Holocaust and that he is Jewish. How did this even happen in the first place?
When working on the house, it felt that we were simply helpers to the Habitat employees who had to explain every process, whether we were learning to use tools, paint correctly or mix concrete. We had the privilege of leisurely conversing while pulling out the fence posts, as we engaged in a sort of tug-a-war with a stubborn metal rod deeply entrenched in the soil.
Grammy was lamenting on the phone last night that this world is not one that she would want to be growing up in. Scanning the news, opinion columnists seem to be questioning how much longer we will be waking up to democracy for breakfast. Recent New York Times columns titled “Dancing Near the Edge of a Lost Democracy,” “What Has Happened to My Country?” and “What’s at Stake in These Elections” capture society teetering on the edge. Looking at the New York Times archives the day before Barack Obama’s midterm elections in 2014 did not reveal such alarmist attitudes towards the future of democracy. The current political climate hints to a democracy in free fall, and we can watch it flailing towards the center of the earth or begin to think up some sort of remedy.
What is space? The following is a range of definitions provided by the Merriam Webster Dictionary: a period of time, a boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction, the region beyond the Earth’s atmosphere or beyond the solar system.