A final bow
Prof. Hunter R. Rawlings III gives his “Last Lecture” in Goldwin Smith’s HEC Auditorium yesterday.
Cold waters
The Lake Source Cooling project, which pumps water from the bottom of Cayuga Lake to be used in air conditioning, has been criticized for causing increased levels of phosphorous in the lake.
A thespian at heart
For first-time actor Ted Hamilton ’10, an audition at the Schwartz Center was a revelatory experience.
Political expressions
Leaders of student political groups speak yesterday in McGraw Hall as part of a lecture on the role of the Middle East in the upcoming presidential elections
Food fun
A student loads a tray of food in a dining hall on campus. Risley Dining Hall will no longer provide trays in an effort to reduce C.U.’s carbon footprint.
Food fun
A student loads a tray of food in a dining hall on campus. Risley Dining Hall will no longer provide trays in an effort to reduce C.U.’s carbon footprint.
Bottling blues
Bottles of water are sold on campus at various dining facilities such as the Statler Terrace, shown above.