For All Admirers of Fairytales: A Review of the Once Upon a Broken Heart Trilogy

“Every story has the potential for infinite endings”

Enter the dazzling world of the Magnificent North, a stunning fantasy series that is utterly impossible to put down. Stephanie Garber’s YA fantasy trilogy, Once Upon a Broken Heart, appeals to those who grew up speaking the language of fairy tales and long to return. The first novel, Once Upon a Broken Heart, starts when Evangeline Fox discovers a door that will only reveal itself to souls like herself who believe in wonder and magic. After discovering the man she believed to be her true love would be marrying her stepsister, Evangeline rushes to the veiled door and into the church of the Fated Prince of Hearts hoping to stop the wedding. But she soon discovers that the mythological beings of Valenda — The Fates — are not who she thought they were.