Dear Family of the Class of 2016:
Congratulations on the upcoming graduation of the Class of 2016! We know that you must be extremely proud of the work that your loved ones have done to get to this point. In light of this, we would like to inform you about a special opportunity to express just how proud you are through the most widely read publication on campus.
The Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell’s daily student-run newspaper, is once again including a special “Senior Send-Off” section in our Graduation Issue, which will be published on May 25th. In this section, family members and friends are invited to submit text and/or pictures to congratulate their soon-to-be graduate(s). Every year, we have offered this popular service and we hope to include more fond wishes and memories than ever before. We have made our rates more affordable, so that you can give the best graduation present possible. Space is filling up quickly, so please send us your information as soon as you can.
The sizes and prices available are explained below:
Eighth Page (3.75” wide by 5” high)………………$70, a 20% discount
Quarter Page (5.75” wide by 8” high)…………….$130, a 40% discount
Half Page (9.75” wide by 8” high)…………………$180, a 48% discount
Full Page (9.75” wide by 16” high)………………..$330, a 52% discount
In order to take advantage of this opportunity, please e-mail us at [email protected] with the photo and/or text attachments (word, pdf, jpg). You can create the design yourself or we would be happy to assist you. The deadline for submissions is May 13th. With your ad, please include your preferred method of payment. We accept Mastercard, Visa, or check.
Again, we wish to congratulate you and your senior(s) for all the hard work and perseverance. Graduating from an esteemed university such as Cornell is no easy task. We hope that our “Senior Send-Off” service gives you a chance to commemorate the accomplishments of the Class of 2016. If you have any questions, please reach us at (607) 273-3606.
Here are a few examples of the Senior Send-Offs placed in last year’s graduation issue.

A example of a Full Page Senior Send-off (resized for online)

An example of a Half Page Senior Send-Off

An example of a Quarter Page Senior Send-off

An example page of Senior Send-Offs from the 2015 Graduation Issue