BERNSTEIN | If You’re Voting Biden/Harris in New York, Do So on the Working Families Party Line

The Working Families Party in New York State is at risk of losing its spot on future ballots if it doesn’t reach 130,000 votes for President. This third party is a left-wing advocate for social democracy and progressivism and it’s best known for its support of democratic challengers to moderate incumbents across the state. With new rules raising the minimum votes required for a third party’s spot on the ballot, WFP is at risk of fading away. In 2019, Governor Andrew Cuomo formed a commission to reform the campaign finance system in New York. One of the commission’s decisions was to increase the threshold of votes necessary to keep a third party on the ballot in future elections.

Why Your Vote Counted More Than You Think

Election Day is almost a month behind us, and a healthy majority of the country — even healthier in Tompkins County — has been celebrating the victory of President-Elect Barack Obama. Still, I was amazed how many Cornell students I spoke with on Nov. 4, who did not vote. In such a historical election, I cannot understand how this is possible. For those people who used the excuse “my vote doesn’t count in liberal Ithaca, New York” — you were wrong. Here is why:

This year in Tompkins County, two U.S. House of Representatives seats were up for election, as well as seats in the State Senate and State Assembly. Thanks to the


Barack the Music

Raise your hand if you’ve seen the movie Mr. Holland’s Opus, directed by Stephen Herek. Raise your hand if you liked it, and if you thought there was a salient message about the arts embedded therein.
My hand is up. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, which — since it’s a rather dorky thing to see — I’m guessing is most of you, Mr. Holland’s Opus is about an inspiring music teacher, Glenn Holland. Although most of the movie focuses on how he manages to get through to his students, and how music helps him to connect with his deaf son, at the end he is forced into early retirement by arts-related budget cuts. Hmm.

Prof Examines Role of Middle East in Election

Last night, approximately 100 students gathered for a discussion entitled “The 2008 Presidential Election and the Middle East,” which featured Prof. Ross Brann, Alice Cook House Professor-Dean and Milton R. Konvitz Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies.

From the very beginning of his lecture and throughout the discussion, Brann emphasized his non-political, strictly analytical examination of the Middle East region and the 2008 presidential election.

“I am not speaking as an advocate for either side,” he clarified.

Collegetown Bars Open for Presidential Debate

Although last night’s presidential debate may not have provided as much fodder for late night comedians as last week’s vice presidential showdown, debate viewers at Pixel certainly found plenty of moments to laugh at.
The crowd of about 35 who had gathered at the Dryden Road bar last night clapped, jeered, laughed and booed throughout the 90-minute town-hall style forum between Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Sen. John McCain, (R-Ariz.), in Nashville, Tenn.

Professors Analyze Policy Before Presidential Debate

The 2008 presidential campaign has been largely inattentive to the issues of health care, immigration and social security, according to a group of experts in those fields who gathered at Cornell for a policy debate on Friday before the first presidential debate.
The debate, sponsored by a host of campus organizations, including the Department of Policy Analysis and Management in the College of Human Ecology, was titled “McCain v. Obama in 3D: Data and Debate on Domestic Policy” and took place at Bailey Hall.
While organizers said that the free tickets to the event “sold out,” the 1,324-seating-capacity auditorium was about three-quarters full when the event began at 6:30 p.m.

College Republicans Applaud McCain’s Performance

Energetic applause seemed to follow much of Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) rhetoric during the first presidential debate as it was shown in Bailey Hall on Friday night. However, Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) cheering section — headed up by the Cornell College Republicans — was confined mostly to the first row.
But this was no surprise for the McCain supporters. Pointing out the liberal tendency of Cornell’s student body, J.B. Rajsky ’11, the second vice chair for the College Republicans, alluded to former governor Mike Huckabee’s speech at Cornell last April when he described the political ideology of the majority of Cornell students as a little “left of center.”

C.U. Democrats Have Mixed Opinions On Debates

It was almost 9 p.m. on Friday and the countdown had started.
About 35 members of the Cornell Democrats huddled in a small living room in Ravenwood Apartments and passed around home-made Obama cupcakes while counting down the minutes to the first presidential debate in Mississippi.
When the faces of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) finally appeared, all chattering in the room died down, and all eyes were fixed on the screen.
Obama’s attacks on McCain, whether on flawed tax codes or on the invasion of Iraq, were met with approving nods, a raised fist in the air and a few high-fives.

Obama vs. History

We all know the narrative of this presidential election. Poll numbers show that voter support for Democrats far outweighs that of Republicans. However, in some polls McCain is actually marginally ahead while Obama leads by only slim margins in others. So, why is the election much closer than it should be, based on voter support for generic Democrats versus Repulicans? There is a litany of answers, but the answer is simple when it comes to foreign policy: Obama’s narrative and vision of America’s role in the world is at odds with the historical norm.