Student Clubs Cater to Varied Interests
If your schedule has not been sufficiently crammed with lectures, work, parties, meals and sleep, you might want to look into joining a club to fill those few extra minutes per week. Cornell has a niche for virtually every interest, no matter how esoteric. Whether you’re an aspiring guitarist or an expert knitter, it is likely you will be able to find a group of like-minded students with whom to share your passion. Below is a sampling of some of the more prominent clubs on campus.
Political and Activist Groups
The Cornell Democrats and the Cornell College Republicans represent the two major political parties on campus, each engaging in its own brand of activism and spreading awareness of political issues.
Where Will You Study?
Cornell is home to over 20 — count ’em — 20 University libraries. With so many to choose from, where you decide to study just depends on what you’re looking for. Each study area at Cornell has a personality of its own.
Uris Library has been dubbed “Club Uris” by students who see the humor in the fact that, on any given Sunday through Tuesday night, the Cocktail Lounge is the place to be.
Gannett Serves Student Body’s Health Needs
Oops! Did you just sprain your ankle tripping over all the stuff you’ve crammed into your new dorm room? Are thoughts of the infamous “freshman 15” keeping you up at night? Is beginning college finally the right time to quit smoking? Do you suspect you might have swine flu? Welcome to Cornell.
The next four years will, for the most part, be an exciting and rewarding experience, but what you probably want to know right now is where you can get a refill for your allergy medication.
The Cornell Daily Sun's Glossary
AAP: College of Architecture, Art and Planning. Found on the north end of the Arts Quad.
Akwe:kon: Residential program house focused on Native American culture, pronounced “a-gway-gohn.”
AEM: Applied economics and management, a popular undergraduate business major in CALS.
Appel: Appel Commons, the Dining attraction on North Campus known for “roll your own sushi” on Wednesdays.
Bear Nasties: Not-so-affectionate nickname for the a-la-carte dining facility in RPCC.
Big Red: 1. A brand of chewing gum. 2. The nickname for all Cornell athletic teams.
Big Red Bear: Cornell mascot. Although the bear is actually brown and not red, Cornellians still look to him for spirit.
B.Y.O.B.: Abbreviation for “bring your own booze.”
Enter the Dragon: Architects Unleash a Beast
The century-old tradition of celebrating Cornell’s Department of Architecture continues every year with the parade and incineration of a dragon that first-year architects spend hours constructing. Sometime during his four years on campus, Willard Straight 1901 organized the first “College of Architecture Day” in a successful attempt to build class unity among architects. For reasons unknown to Cornell historians, Straight chose to hold his celebration on St. Patrick’s Day. Today, Dragon Day continues to fall on or near the holiday of shamrocks, leprechauns and Guinness.
The Evolution of the Slope Day Tradition at Cornell
Since 1901, the annual end of the year celebration evolved from Spring Day to Spring Fest to reach its current iteration known as Slope Day.
Spring Day was a celebration in which the Arts Quad hosted attractions like fire-eaters, snake-charmers, cowboys, Indians and sailors. A tradition since May 1901, Spring Day was deemed one of Cornell’s first excuses to cancel class in the name of mass debauchery.
The Hill’s springtime carnival-parade-drag fest actually started because of financial strains to the University Athletic Association. To save the Big Red’s teams, Cornell’s drama clubs and musical groups organized a benefit concert at the Lyceum Theatre downtown. The event struggled at the box office, and inspired an impromptu parade to stir-up business.
Food at Cornell: Two Trucks. Two Legacies. One Delicious Debate.
Since the North Campus Residential Initiative went into effect, moving all members of the freshman class to North, Louie’s Lunch has seen many more young faces lined up expectantly awaiting a sandwich, milk shake or cup of coffee.
Concurrently, since the upperclass students who have decided to live on campus are primarily in dorms on West Campus, the Hot Truck has been doing a good deal of business with older Cornellians. As a result, the long-standing rivalry — one that is almost exclusively limited to students as opposed to the two businesses’ respective proprietors — has been complicated.