Cornell Updates Financial Aid Loan Policy Seeking to Increase Fairness
Cornell’s Admissions and Financial Aid Working Group has decided to alter Cornell’s loan policy to more accurately reflect current U.S. income distributions.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Cornell’s Admissions and Financial Aid Working Group has decided to alter Cornell’s loan policy to more accurately reflect current U.S. income distributions.
Dean Knuth’s role as Chair of the Working Group, and filing of an incident report of a potential investigation of the campus code after being approached by concerned student members of the AFAWG, have made her the focus of attacks that are both unfortunate and undeserved. Over the past few weeks she has been subjected to accusations by advocates of a student who violated the confidential processes of the Working Group, in many cases misrepresenting the facts of the referral and consistently mischaracterizing the motives and goals of the students, faculty and administrators who spent many hours working to improve Cornell’s undergraduate financial aid policies.
When The Sun published the AFAWG documents, it did so in the interest of transparency. As an independent news organization, it is incumbent on us to report issues and stories important to and affecting the Cornell and broader Ithaca community, such as the proposed changes to Cornell’s admissions policy. It is unfortunate that such discussions were taking place behind closed doors with such limited input from the Cornell student body — had the proceedings been more transparent, leaks would not have been necessary.
Professors are raising concerns about the Office of the Judicial Administrator after it charged McBride with violations for sharing documents from a working group with The Sun.
The Faculty Senate gathered to discuss policies revising financial aid policies, redressing imbalances in judicial proceedings and reaffirming academic freedom on Wednesday afternoon.