Planned Parenthood Slams Congressman Reed for AHCA ‘Yes’ Vote
“By supporting this bill, Congressman Reed just voted to block thousands of his constituents in New York, and millions of people around the country, from essential health care.”
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/tag/ahca/)
“By supporting this bill, Congressman Reed just voted to block thousands of his constituents in New York, and millions of people around the country, from essential health care.”
The American Health Care Act is a misguided piece of legislation that, if enacted, could result in the loss of health care for tens of millions, increased premiums for the elderly, reduced protections for those with pre-existing conditions (encompassing everything from asthma to pregnancy to cancer to prior sexual assault), and signal the return of lifetime limits and reductions in employer coverage. This is a bad bill for America, and a bad bill for New York’s 23rd Congressional District.