MALPASS | America’s Prison Problem

There are plenty of pressing issues at hand — the environment, our foreign policy regarding the Middle East and the economy to name a few. We hear these topics covered in the presidential candidate debates nonstop and as important as they are, they can draw attention away from other issues important to this country, specifically our broken justice system. There is plenty to be said on this issue — I’d say its most pressing concern is racial bias — but I would like to discuss another worrying trend in our justice system: the increasing privatization of our prison system. Privatizing prisons does nothing for us in the long run. I don’t care what you think the point of prisons are (be it to punish the guilty, or rehabilitate them back into society), when the system becomes private, prisoners begin to become a financial bottom line.

WATCH ME IF YOU CAN | Humble Beginnings: Cinema in America

If not for the strong desire to assimilate into American culture, the film world would have struggled to launch itself.  Immigrants came to America and found it easier to adopt these values instead of embracing their own culture.  However, the content of film was just as important.  With this, there was an ability to make, edit and distribute movies. There was a drive in the technological world, thanks to Thomas Edison and Eadweard Muybridge.

DANBERG BIGGS | Instructions for Hoverboard Safety

I should say that I don’t know hunger. Hungry, yes, I know that. Hungry like a missed meal; hungry that’s unpleasant, but whose edge is always cut by the knowledge that it won’t last. But hunger as a state of being or as a mindset, in which the next meal is defined not by its contents, but by its uncertainty — no, I don’t know anything about that. Really though, I just don’t know poor.