TEST SPINS | The Cars: ‘The Cars’

In the summer of 2023, just a few weeks before arriving at school, I watched the (then-new) rom-com Your Place or Mine starring Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher. Was the movie the most highbrow, intellectually stimulating piece of cinema I’d ever seen? Definitely not. Do I remember much of the plot now, over a year later? Also definitely not.

Ashton Kutcher and the 15 Minutes of Fame

It’s totally old news by now that Ashton Kutcher began coaching high school football. It’s such old news by now that it’s not even really funny anymore. Shock value made it amusing and, of course, Kutcher’s past as MTV’s original prankster made it semi-unbelievable. But now, a week later, nobody cares.
Actually, it’s not exactly that nobody seems to care, but more that the joke has sizzled out and died. Even the poor guy who just learned today about Ashton’s amazing career move will not laugh, and the corners of his lips will only tease upwards for a split second before he realizes he kinda-sorta missed the bus.