Retiring Assemblymember Barbara Lifton (D-N.Y.) endorsed Jordan Lesser ’03, her former general counsel, just under two weeks from the primary election, for New York State’s 125th Assembly District.
National calls for police reform laid at the forefront of the Tompkins County Democratic Committee’s final assembly candidate forum: Prof. Sujata Gibson, law, lended support to the growing “defund” movement, while other candidates pledged to work with unions to reimagine community policing.
Young people across the political spectrum agree: Climate change is a serious issue. I have talked about this issue with young Republicans, Democrats and independents. A recent study showed that 85 percent of young adults ages 18 to 25, regardless of political affiliation, believe that the federal government needs to do more to support clean energy. Across the board, young voters agree that government action needs to be taken against climate change. The Youth Climate Strike held on March 15 was an excellent demonstration of the solidarity amongst young Americans on the issue of climate change.