DO | The Unspoken Truth of Attractiveness

There are times when I just want an honest assessment of how attractive I am. Beauty may be subjective, but it’s clear that our subjective opinions on it tend to follow the same basic principles. After all, generational sex symbols very much exist and their widespread appeal suggests that our tastes are not as unique to us as we might think. The mass availability of information in the modern world shrouds our understanding of beauty in even more confusion. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know what the upper echelon of beauty looked like, but spending any amount of time on social media makes that impossible.

KANKANHALLI | On Blue Eyes and Other Pretty Things

In somewhat heartwarming, somewhat disturbing news, a “super hot tea-seller” has gone viral in Pakistan — not for his flavorful chai, but for his dreamy blue eyes, fair skin, angular cheekbones, strong-but-not-too-strong brows, bushy black hair, firm jawline…*ahem* — because he’s a good-looking guy. Sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I’m talking about the kind of beauty that transcends personal preference and pays no homage to taste. The dangerous kind. The kind that earns you a modeling contract when, just days ago, you were supporting your seventeen siblings with a monthly income of less than $90. This eighteen-year-old Pashtun boy, Arshad Khan, now signed to model for a clothing line, embodies the rags-to-riches storyline in a grand way, but what does this mean for the brown-eyed population living in abject poverty?

ZUMBA | How to Get Thicker Brows

Thick brows are the new trend and I bet you’re wondering how to obtain them. People have become obsessed with filling in their brows to get a sharper, more defined look. Queen Kylie Jenner often rocks this gorgeous trend along with her notably full lips coated with a layer of nude lipstick that really pops against her golden, bronze skin. It’s something we’re all dying to have and I’m here to tell you the simplest way to have these features: being born with them! This method is quick and easy; you only have to do it once for a lifetime guarantee of beauty!