AMPLIFY! | Recentering

In my experience, the spring semester has always hit Cornell’s Black community fast. February is Black History Month, and, for better or worse, student organizations serving the Black community are arguably most active during this first full month of the semester: Organizations within the BSU umbrella hosted over 20 events in February 2023. BSU’s theme for this past Black History Month was “Black 2 The Future,” as a nod to the aesthetic and philosophy of Afrofuturism. We’ve done a lot of thinking about the future of our organization, and the ramifications that it might have for Black people at Cornell and beyond.

TAARIQ-SIDIBE | A Message from Black Students United

Black people are tired. But the degree to which Black people and people of color have surmounted oppression and excelled in America shows our strength. The Black students and alumni at Cornell are a testament to this triumph.