A Day In The Life: Eating Out Under $15 As A Cornell Student 

Eating on a college budget can be difficult. Eating out is expensive, but cooking can take up time that few of us have between classes and club commitments. Often, the only available options are unhealthy or just downright inedible. I am occasionally guilty of eating pricey takeout to avoid cooking because of sheer laziness. Still, I usually find myself in a situation where I need to eat on a budget but don’t have time to run home and cook or am too busy to meal prep. 

November Blues: Coping With The Election & Recent Events

Two weeks after Election Day, many students are still feeling the harsh aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory. Some on campus are left emotionally bruised, concerned about what the next four years in America will look like. A common sentiment around campus is “feeling lost,” Mikayla Thomas ‘28 comments.