SOKOL | Spirited Away: Cornell Community or Lack Thereof

College anywhere can be a lonely place, but sometimes it feels like Cornellians have accepted a level of loneliness as the norm. “Everyone has a rough first year or two,” I’ve been told before. “Cornell’s isolating, but you’ll find your people.” Yet, the nonchalant acceptance that finding your place on campus could — and maybe should — be a years-long challenge is not normal, and it shouldn’t be marketed as such. 

SPARACIO | Club Fair, or Unfair? It’s Complicated

However, students should ask themselves the following questions: To what extent should clubs be created to mirror the real world? Are these processes conducive to learning? Do they afford students the proper opportunity to gain experience, knowledge and connections? Yes, exclusive clubs create many valuable opportunities for some students (not all). So what’s the issue?