Senior in College of Arts and Sciences Dies
Jack Mallek ’25 was found dead in his off-campus apartment on Feb. 8.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Jack Mallek ’25 was found dead in his off-campus apartment on Feb. 8.
The Robert S. Harrison College Scholar Program provides students with the opportunity to design their own interdisciplinary course of study to follow throughout their time at Cornell.
The curriculum committee — a group of 15 students and faculty members — is currently developing plans to explore common areas of concern, including the Arts and Sciences degree requirements.
“We are all concerned with maintaining student interest in the humanities and social sciences at a time where national trends are moving away from that,” said Prof. Lawrence Glickman, history.
The committee will conduct polls with students, “asking what [their education] meant to them, where it has led them, how it has contributed to their career satisfaction,” Brown said.
Cornell humanities professors and students discussed the present and future implications of emphasizing sustainability on Thursday as part of the “Big Ideas in Humanities” series. Prof. Karen Pinkus, romance studies, identified inconsistencies in sustainability’s usage and definition. She said the goal of sustainability is to meet “the needs of the present, without compromising the abilities of future generations to meet their own needs.”
She explained that this view of sustainability introduces the future as something that must always be considered in the present, yet operates within its own timeframe. “The time of sustainability is certainly out of joint with geological time,” Pinkus said. “The time of sustainability fails to synchronize with the temporality of carbon based life forms compressed underground.”
Prof. Sara Pritchard, science and technology studies, discussed her research on light pollution and the campaign for dark night skies.