Composting Allows Redemption of Food Waste, Third Largest Threat to Global Climate

As the United Nations World Meteorological Organization warns that the Earth continues to somersault towards irreversible climate change consequences — Cornellians are composting their food scraps to minimize their carbon footprint. When food ends up in landfills, it has the potential to emit methane, a greenhouse gas — which contributes to global warming.

GUEST ROOM | How Composting Changed Me

My first-time composting did not end well. I was 19 and not great at handling adult responsibilities, but I wanted to be more ecologically ethical, so I gave it a try. Discouraged by the amount of counter space the compost pail took up, I pushed it under the sink where I promptly forgot about it. That is, until one day I remembered it was there and as I pulled it out and maggots spilled everywhere. Disgusted, I threw the whole thing away and did not even think about composting again until now.