GUEST ROOM | Hail Cornell! Patron of Digital Sovereignty?

Next I open my new textbook in the Cornell Store’s VitalSource page, a sort of digital archive that stores textbook purchases. Navigating to the chapter marked in my syllabus, eager and ready to learn, I’m interrupted by yet another pop-op: a cookies policy. Cookies are, as Emily Stewart at Vox puts it, “small files that websites send to your device that the sites then use to monitor you and remember certain information about you.” You’re probably familiar with the concept. A cookies permission request appears on basically every page from Forbes to, I don’t know, insert something salacious here.

Summertime Heat: Grilling is the New Baking

Summertime can be difficult for baking aficionados; the Philadelphia heat and humidity discourages me from turning on the oven and heating up the house. Luckily, the grill can fulfill my craving for a homemade baked good. Many desserts that can be made in a skillet can be cooked on the grill. The difference between baking in an oven and on a grill is that an oven heats from all sides, while a grill heats from bottom up. On the grill, most desserts become crispier on the bottom and fudgier on top.

ROVINE | Chocolate Chip Cookies for the Wellness Trend Obsessed

The more passionate about health & wellness you are, the more familiar you might be with the delicate balancing act of chasing self-improvement and finding pure self-acceptance. I love eating in a way that makes me feel good from a holistic perspective and I know that minimizing grains, dairy and processed sugar helps with that. I also love chocolate. I love these cookies. They’re as “indulgent” and delicious as any.