App Designed by Cornell Project Team Estimates Crowd Density of Campus Facilities
After more than a semester of development, a team of 10 undergraduates and one graduate student within the Cornell Design and Tech Initiative released an app that allows the user to preview the crowd density of Cornell campus facilities without having to physically visit. Using current and historical ID swipe data provided by Cornell IT, Flux’s algorithm makes estimations of how many people are in a certain facility at a given time and presents crowd density information in a way that users can understand. At the time of writing, Flux provides data from all ten of the All You Care To Eat dining rooms as well as Cafe Jennie and Libe Cafe. An older version of the app was released last December under the name Density, which was intended to gain feedback from the general student population outside of DTI. However, because of legal issues, they were forced to temporarily halt distribution and revise their brand.