ALUR | Some Things To Be Thankful For

Yesterday, on my 4 a.m. cab ride to the infamous Ithaca airport, I got into an accident. It was snowing heavily, and my cab skidded onto the other side of the road, making a 180 before slipping into a ditch off the highway. It was a truly bizarre experience. I felt as though the whole thing happened in slow motion. I remember screaming; yet, I don’t remember being afraid.

ALUR | 30 Songs Until Election Day

My mind has been beyond preoccupied with the upcoming election. Maybe it’s because this is the first presidential election that I’m eligible to vote in, or perhaps it’s because we’re essentially deciding between an experienced politician and a xenophobic businessman. Either way, I’ve been grasping at every last news story, praying to the universe that the fateful day in November will be okay. In browsing Facebook for the latest, I came across a trending hashtag about Death Cab for Cutie. As any reasonable person would, I clicked, but what I discovered surprised me.

ALUR | The Spectrum of Genre


Like most, my tastes in music have shifted dramatically throughout my life. I remember receiving my first CD — the beginning of my navigating through music. I was five at the time and my parents got me Britney Spears’ Baby One More Time, a classic pop album that I’m sure all millenials are more than familiar with. My dad, a jazz and classic rock aficionado, exposed me to Steely Dan and The Eagles, but I spent most of my early youth situated in the pop sector. I had nearly every NOW CD on the market, and for the most part, I found new music through compilation CDs and movie soundtracks.