COLIE | Memory Eternal

We carry with us some part of those who shaped our lives in any way, and I am happy to have known her, just as I am happy to know those who also shaped my life at Cornell and elsewhere.

Cornell First-Year Student Dies

First-year student Matthew Friedman ’26, a biology student in CALS, was found unresponsive in his residence in Court-Kay-Bauer on Wednesday, April 12 and was later pronounced dead. He had a deep interest in neurobiology and behavior and planned to become a doctor.

GHAZI | In Social Distancing, We Grieve With Distance Too

I never thought that when grief would knock on my door, I wouldn’t welcome any visitors. I never thought that when the day I lost a loved one arrived, I would stand six feet away from my Baba as he announced to me the passing of his own Baba in our hometown in Iran. I never thought that when my Baba needed me most, he would ask me to step away from him because my embrace could sentence him with the same, cruel virus that took his father. The thing about grief in the time of social distancing is that it is felt in distance too. On Tuesday morning, I woke up with a hunger for a lick-your-fingers after a peanut butter jelly sandwich kind of sweetness.

BULKELEY | Remembering Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant’s impact on the game of basketball is immeasurable. In truth, I feel there is little I can add to Kobe’s canon. I have no new takes on his legacy, nor can I offer any analysis that has not been said already. But at times such as these, I think it is enough to simply remember.