MULTIMEDIA | CML Holds First Rally of Academic Year, Police Demand Protesters Show Their IDs

Protesters from The Coalition for Mutual Liberation marched from Ho Plaza into Klarman Hall on Monday afternoon, chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever.”

While Monday’s protest was centered around Palestine, it also touched on the ongoing labor dispute between United Auto Workers Local 2300 — the union representing University food service, custodial, maintenance and other workers — and the University.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Statement in Support of Our Fellow Grad Worker

To the Editor:
As members of Cornell Graduate Students United, we stand in solidarity with fellow student and colleague Marsha Jean-Charles grad as she navigates the graduate school grievance process in an effort to reverse the unfair revocation of her funding and “good standing” in her program. Marsha’s funding and good academic standing have been jeopardized by the poor review of a single faculty member within her department. Marsha’s funding and good academic standing were revoked due to a single bad review without the input of her special committee. Marsha’s funding and good academic standing were revoked despite a detailed letter from her dissertation chair indicating that the behavior catalogued in the review was anomalous and the processes that led to the funding revocation were problematic. It is illogical and unfair that Marsha’s good academic standing was judged based on a poor review from a single faculty member, who is not part of Marsha’s special committee and therefore has no direct connection to Marsha’s academic progress.

WANG | Superhero

I remember when I wanted to be an athlete. Before Brad Pitt took it to Hollywood glitz, I read Moneyball cover to cover and dreamed of someday being centerfielder for the Athletics. I’m not sure what was going on in my head: my hand-eye coordination was atrocious, and my flaccid swing made me an easy out. I was fast, sure, but it’s hard to run to first base when you always strikeout. Needless to say, my baseball dreams were not to last.