Cornell Dairy will debut its limited-edition flavor “Cosmos Swirl,” a chocolate-based flavor with marshmallow swirl and white chocolate chips, in honor of the Johnson Museum’s 50th anniversary.
The mix of the sprinkles and the frozen sweetness left me in awe. Being my first ice cream cone of the season, I couldn’t have gotten off on a better foot. I felt the endorphins running through my veins. With each lick I got a different taste of summer, with my mind racing through the memories I have made here in years before.
With fall’s arrival, there’s nothing more exciting than looking at new seasonal treats. It’s always been a joy for me to look at the innovative additions to restaurants’ and cafes’ temporary seasonal menu. So, I decided to visit local eateries and try out some of their seasonal items, focusing on pumpkin and apple. Collegetown Bagels — Pumpkin Bar
Starting off with this iconic treat, the pumpkin bar is a three layered dessert bar with a graham cracker base, cream cheese frosting in the middle and a layer of pumpkin spice cream cheese topped with whipped cream. The pumpkin bar looks nothing but delicious and offers a great variety of flavor.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, what better way to celebrate the holidays than with a delicious, mouth-watering apple pie? To prepare for this feast, instead of wrapping your head around how to carve a turkey, follow these basic steps to create an apple pie that will certainly not disappoint. This recipe was adapted from my dear family friend, Maggie, who is a modern Betty Crocker. Each year when my family and I visit her beautiful summer house in Long Beach Island, I always look forward to making this pie with her.
This is less of a recipe and more of a reminder that; yes, in fact, you should be making slutty brownies because what else do you have going for you? As with any food topic, I have thoughts on slutty brownies. What should be store-bought? What do you have to make yourself?
As spring progresses and we are blessed with continually warmer weather, my longing to go out on a 70-degree day and enjoy some ice cream beneath the sunshine has only intensified. As a graduating senior, I’m already beginning to miss certain ice cream establishments that can only be found in Ithaca. Below are three recommendations (in no particular order) based on my research during my past four years at Cornell.
What better way to prepare for Thanksgiving than by looking at some healthier alternatives to traditional Thanksgiving meals? Nicole Kim ’19 compiles a couple of her favorite recipes to satisfy even the palettes of the gluten-free.