As spring club recruitment commences, The Sun discusses the stressors, challenges and advantages of joining business clubs and fraternities with potential applicants and members.
Former Nintendo President Reggie Fils-Aimé ’83 is back at Cornell with a new book out and positions in the Dyson school. He told The Sun that he feels overwhelmed and happy to see his story and advice being used to help the current Cornellians.
After years as a professor at Michigan State University, Jinhua Zhao will come to Cornell as dean of the Dyson school, continuing his research into climate change and resource economics.
A research team, led by applied economics and management professors Kevin Kniffin, Vicki Bogan and David Just found that overweight men in the workplace are found more persuasive than their female counterparts.
The Student Assembly passed a resolution on Thursday that would create a new seat for Dyson students, amid questions over if they deserved representation on the S.A.
On Oct. 2, the Cornell Diversity and Inclusion Business Advisory Program kicked off an eight-week workshop series with an hour-long session titled “Business Basics” with Forté, a female-only undergraduate business organization, and the Wardrobe, an organization that provides free professional attire to Cornell students. Founded in April 2019 by Claire Pan ’20, the program is funded by Dyson’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion and consists of over 45 business organizations on campus. The event opened with a resume workshop led by two Forté members, Maddie Franke ’21, vice president of external affairs and Rabia Syed ’21, initiative representative. They shared a collection of tips for constructing resumes, writing cover letters, networking and navigating LinkedIn.
The Student Assembly put on hold a resolution on Thursday that would create a new spot for a representative from the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, with many members citing concerns over reapportioning representation for each of Cornell’s colleges in the S.A.