Definitive Rankings of All Eateries on Campus

Every student at Cornell has a different opinion on the best (and worst) places to eat on campus. The Sun’s Dining Department has decided to create a definitive list — a guide, so to speak — of where to spend your BRBs and where to avoid at all costs.

Gluten-Free & Gothic: A Review

The food itself was surprisingly tasty and certainly masked the gluten-free, nut-free designation …. In other words, it doesn’t have to mean dry, pale, brittle cookies. And, I have to say, the meal was satisfying, even for someone who is not bound by a gluten-free diet.

A Mixed Second Chance

When it opened a few months ago, The Sun found it to be lacking in several ways. With the advent of their new brunch menu and promises of improvements over price and service, we decided to give them another chance.