POGGI | Too Many Students, Not Enough Seats

When people complain about the arduous journey of the pre-med track, buzzwords emerge like numbers on a bingo card. If anything, “words” is a stretch; instead, acronyms and nicknames like MCAT and orgo stick out in our humanities-deprived vocabulary. What you often don’t hear, though, are complaints over the inability actually to enroll in a course. Given Cornell’s academic rigor, complaints should center on course content, regardless of major or pre-professional track. Yet, with Cornell’s chronic over-enrollment, class availability has become the limiting reactant in graduation progress, career goals, declaring majors and minors or simple interest in academic exploration.

ILR Students Have Mixed Views on the New Pre-Enrollment Process

Beginning in fall 2022, the School of Industrial and Labor Relations implemented a new form of pre-enrollment where students are automatically enrolled in their core class requirements. The system is part of ILR’s new curriculum that will apply to all students who joined ILR in fall 2022 and beyond, including all current freshmen and sophomore transfer students in the school. 

This means that the Office of Student Services chooses lecture and discussion times, as well as the professors that students get. Even if a student would like to make adjustments to these pre-assigned core classes, such as changing their discussion times, students were told by OSS that they are no longer allowed to do so. 

Because of this lack of flexibility in choosing the specifics of core classes, some students who planned out their schedules before coming to Cornell dislike the new system. 

“Before coming to the school I had a very particular plan on what core classes I would be taking for each semester,” said Adam Senzon ’26. “I had planned it out perfectly; I knew which professors taught better for macroeconomics, but instead I got a different one.”

If students are enrolled in specific lecture or discussion times that overlap with another course they would like to take, they are no longer able to enroll in that alternative course. “Personally, there have been several elective courses I’ve wanted to take this semester, and sign up for next semester, that I simply haven’t been able to because the time [or] day they are offered intersects with pre-enrolled classes,” said Shoshannah Odinyayeva ’26.

YAO | The Best Way to Pre-Enroll is Waiting Until Add/Drop

Every person I know has had at least one awful pre-enroll experience, but guess what, they’re doing fine. I didn’t finalize my first-year schedule until about a week into the semester after enough people dropped the classes I wanted. My friend slept through enrollment last semester, but she’s still on track to graduate on time. At this point in my college career, I’m over spamming professors with emails and having nightmares over missing out on Introduction to Web Development.