STELLA | No One Wants to Hear About Your Summer in Ithaca

Summer vacation has been a sacred entity of time worshipped by students since Kindergarten. Homework, early mornings and cold lunches were replaced with swimming, video games and day-long play-dates. Summer was always a time to relax with zero responsibility. In college (and sometimes high school), this dreamy utopia drifts away, instead replaced with nepotistic internships and counting down the days until the weekend. Of course, you still get to spend time with your high school friends, if you’re lucky enough to be home for the summer.

DEMASSA & DELGADO | Cornellian Summers: Our Flawed Logic of Success

How did we all get to Cornell University? Top grades. A towering G.P.A. Add in a little bit of philanthropy. Insert one or two “exotic” experiences. Throw in a unique talent, bonus points for medal-winning debate, athletics or chess ability.