Cornell Grad Student Promotes Living Laboratory, Resource Circularity on Campus
Fah Kumdokrub grad proposes the use of circular resource management to make Cornell a more carbon neutral campus.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Fah Kumdokrub grad proposes the use of circular resource management to make Cornell a more carbon neutral campus.
Cornell Dining and student organizations are working to minimize food waste on campus and fight food insecurity in the community.
I watched in horror as the half cup of uncooked Jasmine rice slipped from my hands and scattered across the carpet floor. The metal measuring cup ricocheted off the ground, projecting rice in every which way. This was my first attempt to prepare a Zen cuisine meal and, from a Zen perspective, I was having an abysmal start. My mind raced to my closet where my vacuum sat waiting and without hesitation my legs meandered to the corner. It was the quick and effortless solution.
Despite campus food insecurity, cafe food is regularly tossed — not donated.
The Food Recovery Network and its sponsors hope to use the screening of “Wasted!” as an opportunity to raise awareness about food waste on and off campus, with Monday’s movie event being just a start.
One of the challenges standing in the way of better waste management is cross-contamination in the bins used by students at cafes and eateries.
With so much yet so digestible information packed into each poster, it is hard to leave the waste bin confused anymore.
Their results showed that freshmen wasted an average of 3.70 ounces per plate in Fall 2016, and freshmen wasted an average of 3.04 ounces per student in Spring 2017. The school year’s average was 3.37 ounces per student.