Off Campus
Water Damage From Unknown Source Forces Closure of Forest Home Drive
Forest Home Drive — which runs along Beebe Lake parallel to North Campus — has remained closed since September, due to erosion from a mysterious water source, which the city has been aware of since June 2014 but has not yet resolved. The road — which is the main passageway to the College of Human Ecology and Ag Quad, and is mostly used by Cornell students and faculty — is currently open only to pedestrians and bikers. Leaking water from an unknown source has caused parts of the road to deteriorate, according to the bridge engineer and project manager Addisu Gebre. “We are still examining the cause of the problem,” Gebre said. “We don’t know exactly where the water is coming from, so hopefully we finalize the investigative aspects of the project in the next few weeks.”
The city does not yet have an estimated total cost of the project, but Gebre said it will be expensive.