Dining Hall March Madness Matchups

The time has come. The Dining Department will be officiating our very first March Madness tournament. Witness as Cornell University’s finest eateries battle head-to-head in hopes of becoming the most popular eatery on campus. Throughout the month, we will be polling all the writers and editors of the Sunspots, Dining, Arts and Entertainment and Opinion departments. 

While many of these locations are long-time favorites, such as Trillium, and Flora Rose House, underdogs like Nasties and the hotly contested Okenshields will need to snatch a lead early on if they hope to stay in the race. Will they find the support to do so?

Franny’s: A Quiet Surprise

Franny’s food truck is a campus eatery located behind Sibley Hall. Being a non-traditional campus eatery, many may argue against Franny’s quality of food and service as compared to other dining options on campus. In any case, Franny’s is certainly the least well-known dining option on campus. First and foremost, a trip to Franny’s requires a long walk from main campus. Furthermore, Franny’s lacks covered seating, an off-putting concern during the cold winter season. With such stiff competition among dining eateries across campus, it is difficult to understand why one would choose to eat at Franny’s.