Lifestyle Endorses Brewing CommuniTea: Freedom Of Expression

Editors note: This piece was originally published in the print edition of the Sun on April 18. Transitioning from spring break to the grind, the “Freedom Of Expression” Ice Cream Voting was the silver lining to an otherwise difficult week at Cornell. Inspired by this year’s inaugural academic theme, the project featured flavors developed in Food Science 1101, available for free sampling around campus. With three different delectable options, participants cosplayed food critics, voting online for their favorite dessert. And after ample research, the Daily Sun’s Lifestyle team has come to a consensus about which flavor we think deserves to become a Cornell classic.  The victor of this sweet competition will make an official debut at commencement and appear at Cornell eateries later. 

Five opportunities to taste and vote took place from April 10 to 12, at various locations on campus 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday, students sampled at Stocking Hall and Toni Morrison.