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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re: ‘First Generation Student Union Calls on Cornell to Review Legacy Admissions Practice’
To the Editor:
Earlier this year, the Cornell First Generation Student Union signed onto a letter alongside first-gen, low-income student groups at 12 of our peer institutions. The letter called upon our respective university administrations to disclose and re-evaluate the purpose of legacy preferences in admissions decisions. A day after the #FullDisclosure campaign launched through an Associated Press press release and an article in The Atlantic, The Cornell Daily Sun reported on our decision to join the campaign. The article was solely based off the #FullDisclosure letter, and an interview with FGSU’s Co-President, Mayra Valadez ‘18 and another Cornell student who is a legacy. This letter aims to clarify and expand upon our arguments for re-evaluating legacy admissions that were not covered or covered sufficiently in the article.