“Second of His Name” Recap

Since Alicent’s betrothal to the King, Rhaenyra and Alicent’s relationship has, um, deteriorated. Rhaenyra resists deferring to her ex-bestie, the now Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and Alicent tries, and fails, to reconcile things between them.


“Who Shot J.R.?” The now infamous question in 1980 that puzzled Dallas fans for months after the end of season three generated such curiosity that over 80 million Americans watched the “whodunit” episode. It’s hard to imagine a show in 2016 being able to similarly capture the public’s attention due to the endless availability of old and new content. Yet, if the name Jon Snow sounds familiar, that’s because whether you watch Game of Thrones or not, the growing curiosity his name has generated is reminiscent of the ever popular Dallas mystery 30 years ago. Is Jon Snow dead? Is he alive?