Midterms 2022
Cornellians Vote in Battleground Elections — Part 1: New York
Students from New York weigh options for the upcoming gubernatorial race as New York shifts to become a battleground state.
The Cornell Daily Sun (https://cornellsun.com/tag/governor/)
Students from New York weigh options for the upcoming gubernatorial race as New York shifts to become a battleground state.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns just days after exit of top aide Melissa DeRosa ’04. The decision comes after an AG report found that the governor sexually harassed 11 women during his time in office.
Rep. Tom Reed, representative of NY-23, is no longer running for reelection or governor after being accused of sexual misconduct.
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich spoke on bipartisan divisions and the post-Trump future of the Republican Party during a Feb. 17 virtual event.
Following statewide steps to isolate people, all Ithaca city facilities are closed to the public “effective immediately.”
To the editor:
As the dust settles from left-wing insurgent Cynthia Nixon’s much-anticipated rally in downtown Ithaca on September 1, many local progressives appear confident that the long-shot Cuomo challenger can pull off a surprise win in the looming gubernatorial primary. Think Ocasio-Cortez’s dramatic June victory against powerful Democratic centrist Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th congressional district, but on a much larger scale. Nixon’s unprecedented pledge to convert the Cayuga Power Plant into a renewable energy facility drew particular praise among the local left, distinguishing herself as the lone gubernatorial candidate who harbors bold progressive visions for oft-forgotten upstate communities. That being said, Cuomo retains strong polling numbers and an iron-lock grip on state politics. Given the strong likelihood he’ll sail into a third-term with relatively limited bruising, it would be wise for progressives to leverage Nixon’s growing appeal to demand policy concessions from the sitting governor — both until and after the primary vote results are announced on September 13.
Correction appended.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo faced his Democratic primary challenger Cynthia Nixon in their only scheduled debate last week. It was an unimpressive and shallow display. For an hour, the two Democrats shouted over each other and spouted political clichés, allegations and factual inaccuracies as they each postured to embrace a policy agenda further to the left of the other. The debate’s obvious takeaway is this question: Why would we seek to entrust this state to either of these candidates for the next four years? It is not a rhetorical question.
“Being a leader in renewable energy is not only good for our health but a growing industry that New York needs to be on the ground floor of,” Nixon told a crowd of over 200 supporters at The Space @ GreenStar.
Democratic candidate for New York State governor Cynthia Nixon announced on her Facebook page Wednesday that she will travel to Ithaca on Saturday, Sept. 1 to make a “major environmental announcement.”
Philip H. Hoff J.D. ’51, a Cornell alumnus and a three-term governor of Vermont died Thursday April 26 at his home in Shelburne, Vermont. He was 93.