Circus Culture Operates as ‘Ithaca’s Very Own Circus School’ for All Ages, Backgrounds
Ithaca Circus Culture offers an outlet for Ithacans of all ages to explore circus arts at various skill levels.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Ithaca Circus Culture offers an outlet for Ithacans of all ages to explore circus arts at various skill levels.
There are so many spaces where trans people aren’t welcome and where their very existence is put into question. In the aftermath of Brianna’s death, it’s easy to say that “no one would have wanted this.” But is that true of people who denied her and still deny other trans people their right to exist? People who ignore her reality and close their doors to her? What else could those who push “anti-transgender” policies, ideas or agendas — and those who platform them — really want?
When the fire of transphobia is allowed to burn, those who wish to eliminate transness see their wish come true.
At the heart of any fire is the kindling. In this case, the kindling is the spaces where trans and genderqueer individuals or anyone who doesn’t otherwise fit into traditional gender roles can’t feel that they belong.
Here’s the lowdown: I’m a Christian, and I think Cornell should be more open to religion — specifically Christianity. Although I’d grown up going to church (sort of — because my dad was never interested), it wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I began to develop my personal faith. In the midst of college applications and a long list of rejections, I felt a deep-seated inadequacy that I couldn’t solve by myself. Through a series of conversations with Christian friends that I’d had since elementary school and a long period of soul-searching and Bible-reading, I realized that my faith was something that was incredibly important to me. More importantly, I realized I wanted to remain a Christian in college.
The student actors of the play “The Vagina Monologues” unknowingly took their final bows last winter. The past sponsor of the popular show, the Women’s Resource Center, has announced that due to recent changes in its mission statement — the group was rebranded the Gender Justice Advocacy Coalition this year — it will no longer support the play.
Stewart Park will be getting an inclusive playground following complaints from local Ithaca citizens. The community building phase will take place Sept. 11-16.
“What we’re trying to do this week is to get everyone in the school involved and be aware of what it means to be an ally, especially when you’re in the workplace,” said Christina Chan