opinion megaphone

SUSPENDED STUDENTS | To President Kotlikoff: Not Your Foot

All across the country, there is a battle taking place for free speech and the future of university education. Swarthmore students face expulsion for using bullhorns, Penn police launched an early-morning raid on a student’s home, Harvard banned silent library “study-ins” and is actively intimidating faculty over their speech. At Muhlenberg College, a tenured professor was fired for social media posts about the genocide. 

KOTLIKOFF | Whose Foot?

Coming back to the question the student asked, no one has been referred for their speech, and free expression remains fully protected at Cornell. But we must understand the difference between protected speech and speech or actions that are designed to suppress the speech and rights of others.

FATTAL | Reading the Fine Print of the Kotlikoff Email

To some extent, the conversation, however tedious, is the point: the fact that we’re discussing the process or severity, rather than the policy itself — or god forbid the genocidal horrors Taal and others were protesting — takes up air and emboldens Kotlikoff.