Cornell Endowment Reaches Over $10 Billion Value, After Loss in Previous Year
Cornell’s endowment saw a $355 million net investment gain in the 2023 fiscal year to surpass a $10 billion value.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Cornell’s endowment saw a $355 million net investment gain in the 2023 fiscal year to surpass a $10 billion value.
Some of you still have a couple years before you need to figure this out, others of you already have – the return offer signed, sealed and delivered. But how many of us will answer this question the same way as we did in kindergarten? Our misspelling hands scrawling on our first homework assignments, writing down the reasons we wanted to be firefighters, astronauts, artists, secret agents, veterinarians, movie stars, the President, our fathers and mothers. Not once did you hear trade analyst, consultant, HR representative. Yes, that’s probably because half those words weren’t in our vocabulary yet.
“A venture capital firm fundamentally is about investing in private, high-growth companies,” explains Jennifer Tegan MBA ’01, managing partner of Ithaca-based Cayuga Venture Fund.
Total investments for female startup founders amounted to only 2.2 percent of venture dollars raised in 2018, according to Fortune Magazine; for black entrepreneurs, that number was just above 1 percent. W.E. Cornell and Black Entrepreneurs in Training, a pair of recently launched Cornell groups, aimed to change this current state of affairs.
Bitcoin mining consumed nearly one percent of the United States’ electricity last year. Globally, Bitcoin’s estimated yearly power usage is greater than that of Ireland, or 30 times more than that of Tesla vehicles. Considering this, one wonders whether the societal benefits of the world’s foremost cryptocurrency offsets its significant energy consumption, which expedites greater, existential risks like irreversible climate change. Does Bitcoin justify its power bill? First, while Bitcoin is often described as an emerging currency, its illiquidity — you can’t just buy groceries with it — makes it as an asset best-likened to gold.
Beginning on July 1, Miranda will manage the University’s six billion dollar investment portfolio and head the Office of University Investments, according to a University release.