Arts & Culture
SIMS | Reconnecting With Old Friends
These works and their creators were dear to me. I thought of them every day and trusted them to be there for me when I was upset.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
These works and their creators were dear to me. I thought of them every day and trusted them to be there for me when I was upset.
Being a Mac user, I’m bombarded with the inane advertisement that is the Safari home page whenever I start up my browser. Surprisingly, I can’t believe that I’ve JUST seen the ad for the new iPod shuffle. Aside from VoiceOver, which (l) allows the iPod to announce things to you, such as playlist title, song name, etc., the other feature that caught my attention about the shuffle was the placement of the controls on the right earbud.
Hold on, something’s not right. The controls are on the earbud?
I asserted a year ago that I would return to writing about my iPod Touch (1G) to give my extended impressions of the device after more usage. The new Touch is already out, but the differences between it and mine are purely in hardware and are moot in this article. Over the past year, Apple opened their App Store, gave Touch owners the suite of apps that was initially missing and added new features and fixes to the Touch. All of that became accessible through a $10 update, which holds much more value than the $20 previously asked for just the app suite. I’m now running software v.2.1. Mail works beautifully, and the Chinese handwriting recognition keyboard is very well-implemented. What still bugs me though, is the
Apple’s new iPod lineup. From left to right, the iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod shuffle.
The new iPod nano model introduced by Apple on Sept. 9. (Courtesy Apple, Inc.)
Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ keynote presentation from the company’s annual September iPod event just ended in San Francisco. The rumor mill got it pretty much spot-on this time around, with almost every announcement having been predicted beforehand by the blogs. Some highlights from the show: