SOLAR FLARE | Ithacan Isolation

Right now, we’re staring down that last three-week dragging period between the reprieves of Fall Break and Thanksgiving. With the passing of Halloween and all its requisite festivities, there’s nothing to look forward to for the foreseeable future other than work and gloomy weather. It’s times like these that Ithaca really starts to feel isolated — from family, from friends, from the rest of civilization. Cornell can feel like a bubble sometimes, separated from the rest of the world. So, here’s a playlist for when you want to wallow in that feeling while waiting for happier times (i.e. Thanksgiving break) to arrive.

KEMPFF | What Cornell Got Wrong About Housing

Cornell has spent millions of dollars to build these new palaces. Instead of a happier student body, however, these dorms may have the opposite effect. For multiple years, The Cornell Daily Sun has reported on the isolating nature of the new dorms.