Arts and Sciences Posting Seeks Candidate From ‘Underrepresented Group’
A Sept. 10 job posting from the College of Arts and Sciences for an assistant professor position has taken an unorthodox approach with its broad description that seeks candidates from underrepresented groups and does not specify the exact department the candidate will work in. “[The college] is seeking to hire a tenure-track assistant professor in some area of the humanities or qualitative social sciences,” reads the job description. “We are especially interested in considering applications from members of underrepresented groups, those who have faced economic hardship, are first-generation college graduates or work on topics related to these issues.”
Recognizing the unconventional nature of the job posting, Gretchen Ritter ’83, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, called it “an unusual experiment on the part of the [college].”
“This faculty advertisement aims to attract a broad range of applicants across numerous fields in the social sciences and humanities,” Ritter said. “In the context of this and all of our searches, we want to create the broadest, strongest pool possible, and one that includes applicants from all backgrounds.”
The position’s description has piqued the interests of academics online.