Arts & Culture
‘Balloonerism’ from a New Fan’s Perspective
I have to admit, I am not an avid follower of Mac Miller’s musical career. I know only two things about him: that from 2016-2018 he dated Ariana Grande, and that shortly after their breakup he tragically passed away. Which is why, last Friday, I was flabbergasted when a Spotify notification implored me to “stream Balloonerism: Mac Miller’s newest album.” This name that meant almost nothing to me two weeks ago all of a sudden occupied my thoughts 24/7, affecting every conversation I had with my loved ones and consuming my daily life. Picture me, a grizzled small-town detective slumped at my grimy desk with a cigarette dangling from my lips, desperately trying to crack how Mac Miller was operating in the music industry from beyond the grave. I felt like I was going mad (and my detective office burned down due to my indoor smoking habit).