Arts & Culture
A Romance Reader’s Guide to High Fantasy
When J.R.R. Tolkein, often recognized as the Father of High Fantasy, writes “Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger,” in The Fellowship of the Ring, it seems like a piece of advice both Frodo and you yourself should probably follow. So, naturally, I’m going to show you how to do the exact opposite!
The complex worlds and weirdness of fantasy can indeed be a complicated adventure that confuses and intimidates as much as it intrigues and fascinates, making many readers turn away after taking one look at the brick-like volumes that make up the fantasy section. As someone who frequently switches between romance and fantasy, I know how jarring it can be to jump into high fantasy after reading a cozy love story. Wars between different magical species are pretty far removed from your average small town romance after all. If this sounds like something you struggle with too, then come along.