Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Song… Even If It’s Not About Christmas At All

So, you’re sick of Mariah Carey, huh? You wouldn’t be the only one. Watching her name shoot up the charts every year on the first of December never ceases to amaze me; it has to be some sort of woo-woo clockwork. Now don’t get me wrong, her music is great and her voice is astounding, but despite her popularity, hers just doesn’t feel like Christmas music to me. “That’s impossible!” you say.

TEST SPINS | Mariah Carey: ‘Daydream’

Thanksgiving is over, and whether we want it to be or not, it is officially Mariah Carey season. It’s debatable whether that season starts right after Halloween or Thanksgiving, but there’s no denying it now — it’s time. In recent years, Mariah Carey has essentially become synonymous with Christmas music and the holiday season, with smash hits like “All I Want for Christmas Is You” blasting right back into the charts nearly every year. I, like most other people, can appreciate her for this; There must be something special about her and her music if songs she made almost 30 years ago are still being resurrected to the point where they top the charts. But I’d like to make a case for the rest of Carey’s discography — namely, her 1995 album Daydream.

HATER FRIDAY | Premature Christmas Festivities

On Sunday, Nov. 2, the cool morning air greeted me as I began walking to meet my friends for brunch at North Star Dining Hall. Though I was disappointed that Halloween had come and gone so quickly, I looked forward to celebrating Thanksgiving and appreciating the remaining fall foliage that would soon vanish. Seemingly on cue, two students passed me loudly singing along to “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande. I stifled a sigh, and eventually escaped the assault on my senses.