GUEST ROOM | Letter to Provost Kotlikoff and Vice Provost Nishii

In the past week, some of us have observed people walking around in campus buildings without masks on. It appears that there is no mechanism for enforcement of this mask mandate. We also will not necessarily know if an individual we encounter in or outside of class has been vaccinated or tested. All we can do is wear masks.

SAMILOW | Masks Outdoors, Really?

Surely, the administration knows that the virus is spreading because students are congregating indoors, largely off-campus. So the question really worth asking is: how exactly is the Cornell administration arriving at these decisions? The sheer absurdity of requiring masks outdoors while still packing classrooms and dining halls should leave students questioning the wisdom of the University’s entire coronavirus strategy. Either the administration is foolish enough to believe that outdoor masking is worthwhile or it is implementing measures it knows will have no effect. Neither possibility reflects well on the University.