MEHLER | The Art of Fall Breaking

This break is an opportunity to reset your body’s rest clock and finish the second half of the semester even stronger than the first. I cannot say enough that you must take the time to relieve some of the stress going on in your life. The most productive stage of performance is in a tolerable stress range: too much or too little stress leads us to be too comfortable or not comfortable enough to perform well. But breaks do not require us to be at performance stress levels. Breathe, rest and recuperate to come back better.

BEARD | Burnt Out From Mediocrity 

Regardless, with the end in sight, don’t be a survivalist. Find what motivates you to be above average, lock it in, and write it on your mirror — otherwise, you may find yourself burnt out either way.

SMITH | Extension Request

Asking for an extension was a point of shame for me. To me, asking for an extension indicated that I had failed or that I had fallen short in comparison to my classmates who had been able to finish the assignment on time. I think a lot of people would agree that Cornell tests your limits, and that your time here teaches you a lot about what your personal limits are. So this is my case in support of extensions.

WISE-ROJAS | Don’t Expect Continued Mental Health Care from Cornell

Furthermore, the role of privilege is also evident when it comes to mental health care on campus; it’s not only prevalent in college admissions and the culture of attending an Ivy League school. One of Cornell’s Mental Health Initiatives includes their Fall 2020 Mental Health and Well Being Survey. Regarding mental health disparities, students of color, those who identify as a gender out of the binary or as transgender and those whose sexual orientation doesn’t fit societal norms struggle the most.