The Spaces in Between: Poetry Month at Cornell
Cornellians found various ways to connect and express themselves with poetry throughout April, which is National Poetry Month.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
Cornellians found various ways to connect and express themselves with poetry throughout April, which is National Poetry Month.
Prof. Monica Cornejo, communication, who is an undocumented tenure-track faculty member, shared how breaking systemic barriers inspired her journey in academia.
Students discuss the benefits of Co-Op housing, including both financial security and a sense of belonging.
The center of Asia remains virtually invisible to most of the students here at Cornell. The invisible Asia is the land of Tibet and Xinjiang, currently the site for an ongoing genocide, where there is no religious, cultural, intellectual or bodily freedom. Islam is institutionally targeted as “terrorism” and Tibetan Buddhist institutions are under strict Chinese Communist Party (CCP) control.
Recently, health workers in Xinjiang expressed that there were positive results as they treated COVID-19 patients with traditional Uyghur medicine, which dates as far back as 2,500 years. This is an irony, as the Chinese government imprisons Muslim Uyghurs for not conforming to Han culture. Uyghurs ought to have the right to practice their cultural traditions without fearing persecution and appropriation.
Black History Month, which was officially recognized in the 1970s, is not only a celebration of people and events throughout Black history, but it is also a reminder of the freedom now held by those in the Pan-African diaspora. An accomplishment I feel may be taken for granted. In our modern institutional settings, where Black contributions are oftentimes overlooked, the month of February provides us with an important reminder of where we have come from, and what we can achieve. But what does the view of Black excellence look like from an ivory tower? Cornell University does have a historic commitment to diversity, which is in tune with its mission, “any person … any study,” created during the founding of the University.
Problem solving is most productive when it happens from the bottom up, and the responsibility of crafting a stronger and more representative S.A. falls on not just elected representatives but also on every undergraduate student.