CHASEN | An Unexpected Outlet

Over the course of my time here in Ithaca, I have seen how Cornell provides so many opportunities to pursue your passions, both inside and outside the classroom. Yet, I have also seen the ways we can feel shoehorned into taking specific classes, pursuing certain courses of study or applying for certain clubs solely for perceived professional benefits. 

As I have argued throughout this column, I believe it is critically important to have an outlet where one can have fun and pursue a passion just for the sake of it. It can be an outlet for your creativity or a place to reconnect with old friends while making new ones. In the end, having an outlet for our joys and frustrations is what keeps us sane.

Hundreds Debate in Model U.N.

560 students from 36 high schools around the world congregated in Ithaca this weekend to attend the annual Cornell Model United Nations Conference. This year’s conference attracted students from Hong Kong and South Africa, and generated an atmosphere of eclectic intellectual discussion for aspiring social thinkers and political debaters.
The Cornell International Affairs Society introduced the conference at Cornell in 2002 to provide an interactive political debate experience for both its hosting collegiate members and for visiting high schools delegates.