Renowned Architect Shares Importance of ‘Continuity and Change’
“I decided that what I really wanted to do was go home and make a difference,” she said.
The Cornell Daily Sun (
“I decided that what I really wanted to do was go home and make a difference,” she said.
I walked into Cornell Cinema to watch Court with absolutely no context and fairly average expectations, but Chaitanya Tamhane’s directorial debut sets the bar incredibly high for his future work. Though it was slow-paced and at times disregarded plot entirely, it was absolutely beautiful and had me laughing constantly. While at first it seemed to be a commentary about India’s court system, it turned into an intimate look into the characters’ lives and as a result produced a really beautiful conception of life in Bombay. In general, the film concerns itself with the trial of a folk singer who is being tried for writing a song with controversial lyrics. One of my favorite parts of the film was its use of color and cinematography.
Slumdog Millionaire is a riotous, colorful fairy tale of epic proportions, filmed with the greatest of tenderness in the dirtiest districts of Mumbai. The film opens to the big bass and bumpin’ beat of M.I.A. following the escape of neighborhood kids from the police. Sure, the cops are grown men on motorcycles, but the kids clearly have the upper-hand of it—running through the ins and outs of the neighborhood, they lure the cops into their own territory. Slumdog Millionaire is filmed with such casual intimacy that you can smell the garbage, taste the spices, touch the purple and gold silk drying between rooftops. It’s a tale worthy of the epic poets, about a boy growing up and his fated love for the girl of his dreams.